I got an email from Dr. Yueying Li, she was referred to by another branding client I had previously done work with! Thats always a good feeling when a client refers others to you! After chatting a few times back and forth with Dr. Li, she sent me an idea she had for her logo drawn up on a napkin!

Which I thoroughly love the idea of whatever moment she was in when she wanted to start her own business she drew an idea up on the closest thing she could write on, that being a paper towel!
I always get the please don't laugh at my drawing skills comment whenever someone sends over something they drew and seriously I love each and every bit someone sends me!
So here we have her drawing for her new business, The Art of Chinese Healing.
Things she wanted her brand to say in one small image:
1. Red Flower with Leaves
2. Yin-Yang symbol
3. Sun and Moon
That is a lot of imagery in one small logo, but I took on the challenge. Instead of taking everything literally, I researched what her company is and does. Dr. Li’s primary objective in treatment is to help patients accomplish a long-term, positive health experience. She partners with the patient to achieve the ability to constantly improve the patient’s approach to health, from mind to body. Dr. Li also empowers the patient with the ability to not only heal from diseases, but most importantly to prevent diseases as well. She works with Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Nutrition, Meditation, & Exercise, and Herbal Therapy.
I wanted to bring all of that together in a modern and sophisticated approach. So I hand drew all of these elements over and over, overlapping them and creating one larger than the other, I thought how am I going to get all of these ideas into one logo. I know what they want and if I don't give it to them they will leave feeling as if they didn't get what they paid for. I had pages and pages in my sketchbook and after a couple days of revisiting and researching I drew up what I knew to be the best possible way to get them all into an image without losing the main focus of Dr. Li and her business.

I worked it into the red floral shape, that was most important to her, giving it a more natural holistic feeling of beauty. I feel the logo I created has a strong sense of growth and power to it but stays representative of the tradition of Chinese medicine and playing with the idea of the celestial bodies of the sun and moon. I didn't want to have the Yin Yang stand out as a black and white element so I was able to mix it into the floral shape with the sun and moon on opposite sides.

I drew color inspirations from Chinese Herbs. The logo itself has 5 main colors. That can easily be narrowed down to 3, depending on where it will be used.

Here is where I made sure the type did not take away from the strong imagery but enhanced it. I decided to use Franklin for the Main font. It has a solid but delicate feel to it, with the curved edges and the kerned letters. I also made secondary logos to coexist with the main logo.

You can Find Dr. Yueying Li on the Web and on Facebook. It is also an amazing read if you are interested in alternative medicine!