Working with Custom orders can be a lot of fun! Colors I am so not used to working with together really makes me smile. So when someone sends over some colors and I find yarns and wools to match its like this fun game! Searching the web for the best wools, figuring out what exact amount of drops I would need of a fabric dye to match the color they want perfectly, its all trial and error!
I think its hard for others to understand the amount of time that is devoted to these pieces. Scouring the internet and local shops and the plethora you have stocked up to match accordingly. Then laying it all out and figuring out what color should go next to what color.
When asked to work with Pinks, Light Lavender, White and a pop of Hot Pink, I was a little intimidated, but I think I feel that way every time I start something I am slightly unsure about. In the end I fell completely in love with this one.
From the colors, to the fluffy white wool, to the braiding and the poms poms, it just made me so happy.