I think everyone has one of those years, a year where you don't want to remember anything about it. 2019 was that year for me. I can safely say that my whole life I have never looked back on a year and had the thought, that was just not my year. Not until 2019, it really was just N O T my year. So many things happened to my family and myself that most anyone could not even comprehend.
This post isn't about the bad things, because so many terribly awful things did happen I want to focus on the little good things that did happen in-between everything else. So here is a breakdown of the tiniest bits of goodness of 2019.

A year in Review
Kett learned to W A L K, I'd say we started the year off really well.
I got to work with Community Coffee, my favorite coffee and a dream collaboration, here.
I got extremely close to getting onto the show Making It, something I will definitely try out for again in 2020.
I created the largest #Bettyweave for a wedding back drop (that is still for sale).
Valentines Day with Kett was the cutest, I'll link it here.
We started doing weekly Playdates with my friend Kasey and her two sons.
I got to collaborate with Michaels on a DIY blog post, I am pretty proud of!
Kett got to see his first movie in a theatre, Smallfoot.
Got my first samples in from Bed Bath and Beyond of the pieces I designed!
Spent my dads birthday with him in New Orleans.
Kelsey and her family came to stay in Hattiesburg and New Orleans with us!
We went to spend the weekend in Gause, TX to hang out.
We got to go to Washington D.C. and Virginia to visit my best friend Caitlin, here.
My brother flew in from Spain.
Spent a lot of time in New Orleans with family.
Kett said Dada for the first time!
We dressed up in four different Halloween Costumes, although Kett as my dad takes the cake.
Kett said Mama for the first time!
I created the largest most unique #Bettyweave for Kett and his room, see here.
We hosted Thanksgiving at our house.
Kett learned to walk and talk in 2019. He got to ride on 5 different flights, visited six different states/D.C. Got to visit with two of my very best friends from out of state and their kids. I had three large collaborations with some pretty big companies. I got to start on two different collections that will be in stores at Bed Bath and Beyond in 2020. We got to spend a lot of time with family and close friends. I think focusing on the good things that happened are so important!

All these photos were taken on January 1st, 2020 to start a new fresh year that clearly had to include mud and puddles.