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2019 Recap - A year in review.

I think everyone has one of those years, a year where you don't want to remember anything about it. 2019 was that year for me. I can safely say that my whole life I have never looked back on a year and had the thought, that was just not my year. Not until 2019, it really was just N O T my year. So many things happened to my family and myself that most anyone could not even comprehend.

This post isn't about the bad things, because so many terribly awful things did happen I want to focus on the little good things that did happen in-between everything else. So here is a breakdown of the tiniest bits of goodness of 2019.

A year in Review


  • Kett learned to W A L K, I'd say we started the year off really well.

  • I got to work with Community Coffee, my favorite coffee and a dream collaboration, here.

  • I got extremely close to getting onto the show Making It, something I will definitely try out for again in 2020.



  • We got to travel to Portland, OR as a family, see blog post here.

  • We also got to travel to Salt Lake City/Alta Utah, see here.

  • Kett got to experience his first Easter egg hunt at school.


  • We started doing weekly Playdates with my friend Kasey and her two sons.

  • I got to collaborate with Michaels on a DIY blog post, I am pretty proud of!


  • Kett got to see his first movie in a theatre, Smallfoot.


  • Got my first samples in from Bed Bath and Beyond of the pieces I designed!

  • Spent my dads birthday with him in New Orleans.

  • Kelsey and her family came to stay in Hattiesburg and New Orleans with us!

  • We went to spend the weekend in Gause, TX to hang out.


  • We got to go to Washington D.C. and Virginia to visit my best friend Caitlin, here.


  • My brother flew in from Spain.

  • Spent a lot of time in New Orleans with family.

  • Kett said Dada for the first time!


  • We dressed up in four different Halloween Costumes, although Kett as my dad takes the cake.

  • Kett said Mama for the first time!


  • I created the largest most unique #Bettyweave for Kett and his room, see here.

  • We hosted Thanksgiving at our house.


  • Kett turned two!

  • I got to collaborate with Academy!

  • We hosted Christmas at our house.

Kett learned to walk and talk in 2019. He got to ride on 5 different flights, visited six different states/D.C. Got to visit with two of my very best friends from out of state and their kids. I had three large collaborations with some pretty big companies. I got to start on two different collections that will be in stores at Bed Bath and Beyond in 2020. We got to spend a lot of time with family and close friends. I think focusing on the good things that happened are so important!

All these photos were taken on January 1st, 2020 to start a new fresh year that clearly had to include mud and puddles.


Blended by Bridget is a full service art, design & marketing studio based in Hattiesburg, MS & New Orleans, LA.

Specializing in creating brand, illustration, print, and digital experiences.

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